Tuesday, May 17, 2011

better be like this....

hmm bila berbicara tentang hati....
mmg susah nk ditafsir,ape yg ak nk??
ak lpaskn semuanya,demi kebenaran yg ak cri,tp sdgkn pape pon ak xwt..
ya Allah,berilah ak cahaya petunjuk dariMu..bantulah ak ya Allah...

bila lelaki 2 dtg,dia akn tgglkn ksan..
kalau lah kau xpnh wjud,kalaulah ak xsuke kt kau,knpe mst kau???

wht i wnt i my life??????
help me friends...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gio - Bila Cinta - OST Lagenda Budak Setan (Male- Full Version)

bila cinta.....

Bila cinta kini
Tak lagi bermakna
Yang ku rasa kini
Hanyalah nestapa
Ditinggalkan cinta masa lalu

Dulu kau tawarkan
Manisnya janjimu
Yang ku sambut itu
Dengan segenap hatiku
Hingga engkau pergi

Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Hingga ku memilih
Cinta yang fana

Perginya dirimu
Merobek jantungku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan

Ku sebut namamu
Di setiap doaku
Bangkitkan setia
Kenangan tentangmu
Yang ku dapat
Hanyalah bayangmu.....


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


i have them..n i really appreciate them!!!love uolls!! byk lagi pic nk dibubuh..tggu eh post berikutnyeee...heee..lots of love from me!!

no trust no treat,no love to exchange!

i cant control dis world anymore..(like b4 dis penah la kan)haha
why i said so,it is bcos...i'm losing what i have and what ive been working on...
its wht i called a relationship..well i noe pep's will said..c'mon its not the end of world yet!
haha..i cn only laugh..and smile, grinning..its inside that bleeds..
wht else can i do???thinkinggg..a lot of thinkinnggg..bored!!well guys..do u believe that he will chnge for the sake of ME???
he said he's chnging for ME..hurmm...
well now diffrnt story..
its like dis..now i'm the one who looks like a LOSER!he blame me!yeesss me!
but why?bcos i didnt treat him well and didnt undrstnd his feelin..
!!listen to me..i've told him b4..hey u man!u are a liar!u hurt me!!dont u realise...
(somethng like dat)
no trust to treat,no love to exchnge..simple like that..
n now i felt guilty,he loosing his focus as he lose me and destroying his future as he said!
hurmm..entah la..i can only pray..God keep him in the safe hands,guide him,shower him wif your blessing..amin~

p/s:that pic was past a year..mse dolu2 la tga hangat berchenta bagai nk rak kaannn..haha
well guys learned from mistake ok!!chill~~~

Monday, February 21, 2011

bila sy mula t'pikat...

assalamualaikum smua..
post kali ni bkn la nk ckp psal terpikat kt mana2 lelaki,ttpi t'pikat pd cinta Ilahi..dlm diam xdiam umr ak sndri da hmpir 21thn..dlm ak duk muhasabah dri,ase mcm byk kekurgn pd dri ni..dlm msa 2 juga ak cuba tuk brubah tuk jd yg lbh baik dr sekrg,ak kne mantapkn iman ak,kuatkn dri ak dlm hdpi cbaran dn ujian driNya...ak nk tgk org yg ak syg berubah,tp ak pnh egt pesanan seseorg kt ak,kalau kta nk org 2 berubah,kta kne berubah dlu,supya kta bole jdi cntoh pd dia..btl kn??ape yg pnting kne berushaha dn jgn tkt tuk kalah dlm p'juangan kta sndri..sbb 1 hari nnt smuanya psti akn berbaloi..well i'm trying 2 be a positive thinker!when i'm positive evry difficulties will bcome easy and with God bless i can handle my problem and solve it...seeking for Allah love is not easy and loses His love is easy..i pray that Allah will and always there to help me seeking for His love..its the Nur i'm searching for...